Managing directors, board members, supervisory committees - they've never been more in the public eye, but expectations surrounding their work have skyrocketed in recent years. Meanwhile they have become essential communicators for their companies. One wrong word or a careless gesture can send stocks plummeting, frighten employees, and send customers to the competition. But people also want to see personalities, leaders with rough edges who have something to say and the guts to say it. It's not a job that has grown easier in recent years - far from it.

Our Strategy Consulting & Executive Communication business segment bundles all services that we offer directly to leading business figures and executives. Our clients have access to experienced senior consultants who either are or were business executives themselves with prominent communication roles, i.e. advisors who know exactly what's at stake. Our role consists of three main components:

1. Strengthening our clients in their role as communicators. We provide practical media training sessions and coaching, for example, or support you in concrete situations with briefings, speeches, or presentations. We guide you through press conferences - basically everything that helps you be convincing in difficult situations.

2. Our services in reputation management are geared toward creating a mid- to long-term, sustainable narrative, for companies and their leaders. Key questions include: What do you stand for? Where are you coming from and where are you going - both personally and with your company. What values are you committed to? Where are the potential risks and how can they be dealt with? And finally: How can we tell this story to enhance the perception of the company and its leaders?

3. Whenever we provide support to CEOs or communications managers in making wide-ranging decisions for the future of their company, then we are providing a form of (marketing) strategy consulting. Ultimately, we are living in an exciting but also difficult era: some marketing channels are dying while new ones are springing up in their place; target groups are fragmented, with new mentalities, decision-making criteria, and preferred modes of communication - the world is a much more fluid place. Here we are the partner who helps our clients get a grasp on the future, not least thanks to our strong international footing.

We support our clients with market analyses, strategy development, and strategy assessment. We help our clients set up their organizations for the requirements of the new and multifaceted world of communications and accompany the transformation process.


  • Reputation Analysis
  • Strategy Development and Implementation
  • Organizational and Transformation Consulting
  • Reputation Management
  • Media Training
  • Crisis Training
  • CEO Positioning