Hardly any other sector is currently undergoing as fundamental and radical change as the financial services industry – and in practically every area. Traditional business models are reaching their limits in view of consistently low interest rates, while fintech companies are stirring up the scene in the form of payment apps or robo-investing solutions. ETFs are attracting billions in investor assets and actively exerting pressure on managed funds, while blockchains are revolutionising transactions. This is compounded by a tremendous degree of distrust targeted towards banks and not just since the last financial crisis.
Edelman has been working for many years for international and national banks, investment companies, fintech companies, banking associations, leasing and factoring companies. We know the sector and its issues better than any other player on the German market. And our tasks are correspondingly diversified.
We support banks in designing the requisite level of change, finding new ways of approaching their clients, recharging and protecting their brands. We are often the entry portal to the attractive German market for international investment companies. And we support fintech companies on their growth path.



  • Corporate publishing
  • Content marketing
  • Internal corporate communication
  • External corporate communication
  • Media relations
  • Change communication
  • Crisis communication
  • Financial reporting


Edelman arbeitet seit vielen Jahren für internationale und nationale Banken, für Fondsgesellschaften, Fintech-Unternehmen, Bankenverbände, Leasing- und Factoring-Unternehmen. Wir kennen die Branche und ihre Themen wie kaum ein zweiter Player im deutschen Markt. Entsprechend weit gefächert sind unsere Aufgaben.

Wir unterstützen Banken dabei, den nötigen Wandel zu gestalten, neue Wege zu ihren Kunden zu finden, ihre Marken aufzuladen und zu schützen. Für internationale Fondsgesellschaften sind wir häufig das Eintrittsportal in den attraktiven deutschen Markt. Fintechs begleiten wir auf ihrem Wachstumskurs.

Leistungen im Detail

  • Corporate Publishing
  • Content Marketing
  • Interne Unternehmenskommunikation
  • Externe Unternehmenskommunikation
  • Medienarbeit
  • Change-Kommunikation
  • Krisenkommunikation
  • Financial Reporting