In Germany, there are around two million people who suffer from psoriasis. Quality of life for many of those affected is often severely reduced. The Berufsverband der Deutschen Dermatologen e.V. (Professional Society of German Dermatologists, BVDD) hoped to use a creative and attention-grabbing campaign to motivate psoriasis patients to visit a dermatologist and undergo therapy with modern medication with the aim of improving patients’ quality of life over the long term. The particular challenge: those affected are often no longer actively looking for information on psoriasis and have already given up finding out about new and modern therapies having undergone unsuccessful therapy in the past.

Our insight – sick in body, sick in soul

People affected by psoriasis are ashamed of their skin disorder and often suffer from a lack of physical contact. What's more, one of their preferred communication points is the Internet.

Creative implementation: Irritation!

In the campaign, the disorder itself and the key theme concerning a lack of physical contact are conveyed sensitively in the form of campaign visuals. Patients should feel that they are understood immediately while curiosity is to be aroused in those who are not affected. Psoriasis is presented in the aesthetic style of classic beauty and cosmetic communication, whereby the rashes on otherwise perfect skin represent an irritating element.

This discrepancy gives rise to an eye-catching impact. The effect of the visual is then reinforced by the “Please touch” claim: on the one hand, this challenges the viewer to touch. On the other hand, the viewer is reluctant to touch the affected skin. Those affected also recognise this discrepancy in themselves: on the one hand, they yearn to be touched; on the other hand, they are ashamed of their skin and do not want to force it onto others.

The campaign mechanism

ATTENTION: The campaign was launched on International Hug Day with a major co-operation with, Outbrain campaign support and real-life photo events with social media and online extension. The emotional campaign visuals and campaign content on the topic of “touch” run like a red thread through all measures, arousing curiosity and generating a pull effect.

EXPLANATION: As the heart of the campaign, the website forms the centre point of all measures. It provides visitors with comprehensive information with the goal of breaking down barriers to therapy.

ACTIVATION: The website encourages sufferers to start therapy: by offering a search for dermatologists, guidelines on how to prepare for a visit to the dermatologist and a hotline for direct contact to the dermatologist.

“Please touch” picks up on the sensitive topic of lack of physical contact in an empathetic yet attention-grabbing way, with strong visuals and providing information on the widespread ailment that is psoriasis – across all channels.